Reading the scroll before opening it at the time wound Running away from the battle to Ivarstead, waiting 24 hours, returning back to the battle Striking him after Im told by the other dragon to use dragonrend I researched this and found very few people experiencing this, most people have a bug where he wont show up during the cut scene where you are in the past with the ancient nords but I dont experience that problem, its once the cutscene ends and I have to fight Alduin, I use dragonrend, I hit him, I know I do since he has that glow around him, but he just wont land on the ground, he continuously flies around, I suspect a mod issue, ive gone through and disabled numerous mods that wont break my saves but no luck, Ive gone back to my farthest save (At least one that isnt TOO far back) and I continue having this issue, has anyone else experienced this and perhaps have an idea of what mod is conflicting? Ill post a list from LOOT if that helps.